Safer Streets

New traffic cameras in Central Falls - please slow down!

What's the problem?
Dangerous speeding is the number one complaint in our city, and it’s putting families and pedestrians at great risk every day. Reduced speeding better protects pedestrians. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, it's clear reduced speeds better protect pedestrians. Driving 10mph has a 10% chance of causing a pedestrian severe injury or death, compared to a 40% chance at 30mph and 80% chance at 40mph.

How can we fix it?
We’ve seen Pawtucket and Providence rollout traffic cameras, and now Central Falls is taking this important safety step. Traffic cameras will help cut down dangerous speeding, particularly around our schools. Implementing this safety program in our city is no cost to taxpayers.

When will traffic cameras rollout?
Speed cameras will be rolled out in December 2021 with a "warning period." Drivers will receive warnings during this time. The speed cameras will officially be live on January 28, 2022, at which time speeding drivers will begin receiving citations in the mail. Red light cameras, based off of our city’s intersections with higher crash and red-light running history, are going through an approval process and will likely rollout in 2022.

How will drivers receive citations?
Citations are mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle in accordance with state guidance.

How can I learn more?
Email or check back to this page which will continue to be updated with more information.

What locations will have speed cameras?
Speed cameras are being placed closest to our schools, where we frequently have lots of foot traffic from children and families. Locations include:

  • Blackstone Valley Prep (Lonsdale Avenue, south bound)
  • Ella Risk Elementary School (Hunt Street, both east & west bound)
  • Raíces Dual Language Academy (Hunt Street, both east & west bound)
  • Learning Community (Broad Street, both south & north bound)
  • Central Falls High School (Illinois Street, north bound)
  • Capt. Hunt School (Pine Street, north bound)
  • Calcutt Middle School (Washington Street, north bound)