Medals and Bars

Medals and Bars

MEDAL OF VALOR:  Awarded for service marked by heroism, bravery, self-sacrifice and action beyond the call of duty in which a life-threatening situation exists.  The Medal of Valor is the highest honor bestowed upon a Department member and may only be awarded upon the unanimous vote of the Commendations and Awards Committee.

PURPLE HEART MEDAL:  Awarded as a result of any serious injury sustained to a Department member while engaged in the performance of their duty (i.e.: response or initiation of a high-risk situation), provided that the injury is not the result of his or her negligence or wrongdoing.

AMERICAN LEGION MEDAL: Awarded by the American Legion for acts of outstanding personal bravery intelligently performed, whereas such feats result in the savings of one’s life or extraordinary accomplishment.

COMMENDATION MEDAL:  Awarded for exemplary acts of devotion to duty, use of ingenuity or creativity, or execution of police duties in a manner that exceeds what is required during an incident, investigation, or arrest.

COMMUNITY SERVICE MEDAL: Awarded to a non-sworn employee or private citizen who has demonstrated a sound commitment to the general welfare and enrichment of the community beyond the normal scope of their duties.  Such devotion can be demonstrated in a single act, or in a series of actions, that focus on advancing the quality of life of the residents of Central Falls.  These acts may range from exceptional job-related community interaction, to volunteer or community service work during the individual’s own time.

OFFICER OF THE YEAR AWARD:  Awarded annually by the Chief of Police, at his discretion, when it is felt that a sworn department member has consistently performed at an exceptional manor keeping with the high standards and moral values of the Central Falls Police Department.

MAYORS CITATION:  Awarded by the Mayor, as so inclined, to either a sworn officer or civilian employee who demonstrates unwavering devotion to his or her duty, which works towards furthering the agency’s mission or significantly enhances the quality of life of city residents.

RECOGNITION AWARD:  Awarded for admirable performance of duty or noteworthy accomplishment.

UNIT CITATION AWARD: Awarded for the admirable performance of duty from three or more agency members; in which a noble outcome was derived from a collective effort of all involved.

LONGEVITY SERVICE AWARD: Awarded to every sworn officer who has been a member of this Department for three or more years. Longevity awards are designated in three-year increments, up to twenty-seven years of service. The officer’s duration of service will be reflected by the level of the bar displayed.

Officers are also allowed to display awards and decorations presented from outside agencies for recognition ranging from admirable performance of duty to exceptional feats of gallantry.