MicroE Program Business Eligibility

Eligible Businesses

The grants in this program are specifically designed for microenterprises, which means two-five (2-5) employees, with one of those employees being the owner.

Each microenterprise owner’s gross annual family income may not be higher than the amounts below, based on family size and city/town where you live (not where your business is located).

Businesses must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Be a microenterprise, as defined above
  2. The income of all owners’ families must be below the amounts listed in the chart
  3. Be a for-profit entity (sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, or LLCs)
  4. Have a physical establishment in Central Falls (not just a P.O. box)
  5. Provide goods or services to multiple clients or customers
  6. Be in good standing with the state and city
    1. Be current on all taxes due through 3/1/2020
    2. Active and valid state and city licenses/registrations, if applicable
    3. Not a party to litigation involving the state or city
  7. Be able to document a loss of income of at least $1,000 due to COVID-19
  8. Have been established prior to 1/1/2019
  9. Have annual gross revenues greater than $25,000
  10. Have at least two employees, including the owner(s)
  11. Have not received monies, or award/approval from the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) or the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) at time of application
  12. Not be listed under the excluded business types, as amended (see below)

Ineligible Businesses

The following types of businesses are not eligible for this program:

  • cannabis-related businesses;
  • real estate rentals/sales businesses;
  • home-based businesses with no employees;
  • businesses owned by persons under age 18;
  • businesses that are franchises or chains;
  • liquor stores;
  • weapons/firearms dealers;
  • lobbyists;
  • persons operating as independent consultants/contractors and providing services to a single entity;
  • home-based businesses that are restricted to patrons below the age of 18;
  • businesses owned by students over the age of 18, unless the student owner is the sole means of financial support for other family members