RI Department of Health: Environmental Lead Program

The Rhode Island Department of Health's Environmental Lead Program aims to protect the health and safety of children, workers, and the general public by identifying and decreasing environmental lead hazards. The Program works to:

  • Ensure that children under 6 years of age are screened for lead poisoning.
  • Collect blood level test results for children younger than 6 years of age to evaluate screening and lead poisoning trends.
  • Refer children with blood lead levels above the reference level (5 mcg/dL) to case management and in-home education services.
  • Offer comprehensive environmental inspection of homes of children younger than 6 years of age with significant blood lead levels.
  • Conduct outreach and education about the dangers of lead poisoning.
  • Offer free educational materials.
  • Partner with the Rhode Island Alliance for Healthy Housing to improve housing in Rhode island.
  • Set parameters for licensing lead professionals to conduct environmental inspections and remove lead hazards from properties.
  • Conduct filed investigations on sites where lead hazard removal is being performed to ensure that workers are appropriately licensed and follow lead-safe work practices.

Find Lead Contractors, Inspectors, Lead Safe Properties, or more here.