Domestic Violence Resources

24 Hour Statewide Hotline: 1-800-494-8100

Blackstone Valley Advocacy Center

Helpline: (401) 723-3057

The Blackstone Valley Advocacy Center has been providing services to victims of domestic violence in the Blackstone Valley area for over two decades. This nonprofit organization provides comprehensive services to victims of domestic violence and to provide education and awareness on the issue of domestic violence. BVAC offers residential services, a helpline, support groups, court program, law enforcement advocate program, Latina advocacy program and is involved in the Safe Families Collaboration project.

Crossroads Rhode Island

Helpline: (401) 861-2760

The Domestic Violence Program is primarily an emergency shelter program with a focus on safety and housing. The shelter provides safety for domestic violence survivors and their children in a confidential location separate from other Crossroads properties. The domestic violence program also includes transitional housing and a 24-hour helpline. Clients will have access to Crossroads Rhode Island’s range of services, including basic needs assistance, education and employment services, and intensive case management, while they work to find a secure and stable home.

Day One Sexual Assault and Abuse Assistance

Day One is the only agency in Rhode Island that is specifically organized to deal with issues of sexual assault as a community concern. We provide treatment, intervention, education, advocacy, and prevention services to Rhode Islanders of all ages—from preschool children to elder adults. Services include: 24 hour helpline and legal advocacy, law enforcement advocacy programs, individual and group counseling, professional training sessions, and prevention education workshops.

Sojourner House 

Helpline: (401) 765-3232

Our prevention and education programs work within Rhode Island communities, teaching important information on domestic abuse. We also work to raise awareness on many issues related to domestic violence: teen violence, HIV/AIDS prevention, elder abuse, and LGBTQ partner abuse. For these areas, Sojourner House has created specialized services.

All our programs work from the premise that violence is an unacceptable means to solving interpersonal conflict, and we encourage only non-violent methods of working out conflicts. To learn more about our programs, please visit their website.