Central Falls Multidisciplinary Team


Multidisciplinary Teams (MDTs) are teams of care professionals who gather regularly to communicate about and coordinate the care of local community residents. The Central Falls Multidisciplinary Team has been meeting since 2015, with a brief hiatus for the COVID-19 pandemic. Members of the team include professionals of disciplines who participate in providing quality care to people living in that area – physicians, EMS, police officers, nurse case managers, community health workers, homeless advocates, mental health professionals and organizations, representative of the Central Falls housing authority, Progreso Latino various family support services, home care/nursing care, and representatives of various state agencies, including, the Office of the Attorney General.

Community members are presented to the group by a participating MDT member when that individual is experiencing a hardship or barrier to their care. Together, the team troubleshoots and connects their resources to come up with a plan of action tailored for that individual’s situation. Systems/pathways to care develop naturally as team members discuss different hardships/barriers and learn what practices are effective and efficient. Over time, small tangible steps through collaboration and the individual focus of the team lead to policy proposals and long-term solutions.

Three layers of privacy practices protect the confidentiality of city residents.

The Central Falls Multidisciplinary Team meets monthly in the Adams public library and works together on the situations of one to five people at each meeting, and also serves to educate team members about a whole range of options and services that help people in Central Falls take care of one another.

If your agency or organization would like to be part of this team, please contact Deputy Director Wanda Casiano.


*Notice of Privacy Practices is available on the link below.

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